To create a Task Code cross reference:
Select Tables > Task Code Xref.
Click the New icon on the toolbar to open a new Task Code Xref schedule form.
In the Cross Reference List Name text box, type a 1-4 character name.
The name can be digits, alpha characters, or a combination of both.
Click the Spell Check icon on the toolbar t initiate the spell checker.
Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save the new task code cross reference.
Once saved, the Task Code Xref schedule icon appears.
Click the Task Code Xref icon to open the Task Xref schedule.
In the Firm's Code column, type in the Task code as used by the firm.
The code
may also be looked up by clicking the lookup icon, which pulls up a list of all Task codes in the Standard Task Schedule.
Type in the appropriate Client's Code and Client's Description.
The Client's Code may be 1-8 alphanumeric characters in length, and the Client's Description may be 1-99 alphanumeric characters in length. The Client's Code and Client's description are the Task codes that the client requires for their bills.